Wednesday, May 23, 2012

One Step Closer to Not Being Homeless

This morning, I did something I had never done before in my life.

I applied for an apartment.

While some may think this was a very small thing, it was a big step for me. Not because it was difficult, or because I was afraid that they might turn me down, but because of what it meant.

You see, 5 years ago, I was adopted into a wonderful community of people which very quickly became family. And I was just lucky enough to live with all these people. All 200 of them.
So to me, moving into an apartment with just one roommate is a new thing.
I will no longer be surrounded by my second family of Stewart Hall.
I will no longer be just one flight of stairs away from familiar faces, hugs that last as long as I need them to and constant word of encouragement.

However this move also means, I will no longer be bombarded by the constant stress of school, the long hours of being an RA or the horrible decision between sleeping or studying. (studying won out far too many times this past semester). Those things I am more than happy to give up.

The wonderful thing is that I don't leave behind any of those important, wonderful relationships. I know that if I need encouraging words, I can pick up the phone and call Alli.
If I need to be slapped back to reality, I'll give Erin a call and she'll give me a "real talk".
And if I need any number of other things, all those "family members" are just a phone call away.

So today, is bittersweet. Ok it's mostly just sweet because I CANNOT WAIT to move into my own place, but I will miss the community that came with my room for the last 5 years. It will take awhile for my new place to become a home. And somehow, I'm just not quite sure it will be able to live up to my Stewart Hall home.

Hopefully a kitchen will help fill the void. ;)
Oh, don't worry, there will be fresh love cookies every time someone comes to visit :)

Update - Just found out my application was accepted. WOHOO!

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